- Target Audience
Communication Specialists
Program Implementers
This guide describes some of the key elements
of digital dialogue and social media engagement
that may be used to promote HPV vaccination
programmes around the world. It highlights the
key actions that need to be taken by various groups
and stakeholders in HPV vaccination promotion on
digital platforms.
Developing a digital strategy is an opportunity to
share t ailored m essages w ith s pecific a udiences
using appropriate and relevant social media. The
potential of social media to reach many specific
audiences and to receive feedback while encouraging
real time conversation makes it a unique tool for
social and behavior change communication. A digital
strategy may complement a larger communication
strategy or may stand on its own.
Developing an effective digital strategy includes
identifying goals, developing accurate and consistent
messages, identifying potential audiences (including
social media allies and influencers), and establishing
measurement tools to promote HPV vaccine and
cervical cancer prevention using digital dialogue.